I have always loved beaches, really any kind of beach. However, being from the tropics, I have been spoiled with some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in the world. more…
Everyone knows that the Sydney Harbor is one of the most of gorgeous natural harbors in the world. But what I didn’t expect was… more…
When we head away on a holiday, people tend to automatically assume that we’re seeking relaxation and recuperation. But what about those of us who can’t sit still for longer than a few minutes?
Every year more people seem to be opting for this type of vacation. Therefore, keeping that in mind, this blog post will reveal the reasons why ski holidays are so well-loved.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be visiting the lifeblood of the planet, the exotic Amazon River…more…
It was drizzling nonstop in the 2 days that we were in and around Iguazu Falls. While the inclement weather made the sky a bit dreary, it also seemed to create this eerily beautiful, almost-dreamlike atmosphere…more…